Apotek Kids

Selamat datang di Apotek Sehat Kids, tempat Anda mendapatkan solusi kesehatan terpercaya dan berkualitas. Kami berkomitmen untuk menyediakan layanan yang memenuhi kebutuhan kesehatan Anda dengan penuh perhatian dan profesionalisme.


8am – 5pm Setiap Hari

Tentang Kami

Di Apotek Sehat Sentosa, kami tidak hanya sekedar apotek biasa. Kami adalah mitra kesehatan Anda yang siap membantu Anda dan keluarga dalam menjaga kesehatan dan kualitas hidup yang optimal. Berdiri dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun, kami menghadirkan:

Pelayanan Terbaik

Produk Berkualitas

Konsultasi Kesehatan

Produk dan Layanan Kami

Kemudahan Berbelanja
Layanan pesan antar untuk kenyamanan Anda.

Produk dan Layanan Kami

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.



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Blog Kami

Secrets of Core Energy Meditation

In this article, I'll describe my journey into the secrets of Core Energy Meditation. I'll describe the roots and development of this technique so you'll understand how and why it works. This information will help you use Core Energy Meditation to realize what your...

How To Absorb Universal Energy

Absorption of Universal energy to aid manifestation has been the forte of many mystics down the ages. Here, I share a three-fold technique that has worked for me and some honourable mystics I know. The tools needed to get the best out of this practice are...

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Themes for Research

Pandemics in human history always often result in untold and sometimes unparalleled problems that would need great thinkers to offer solutions. Researchers are positive opportunists who do not relent in their efforts in continually investigating the 'what', 'when',...

COVID Vaccine Dystopia: A Manifesto

Introduction We are at the edge of history, in a global society where there is great suffering and injustice because of the widespread commitment to get the entire population jabbed with COVID vaccines that the government claims are safe. As shown below, in truth...

Why Do You Need Sports Nutrition

Whether you are exercising to improve your health, a professional athlete or a bodybuilder, the sports nutrition plays a vital role in optimizing beneficial effects of physical activity. Choosing a right nutrition can result in injury prevention, improved performance,...


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Green Living Residence, Malang